"Choosing Autocheck in June 2022 for its significant cost savings proved to be a wise decision. Their unwavering commitment to meeting our business needs has kept us loyal. What truly stands out is their ability to exceed expectations by swiftly implementing requested enhancements. Autocheck's professionalism shines through in every interaction. We regret not making the switch sooner, and if you're undecided, don't hesitate - Autocheck delivers."
Hayden Dahm
Group Sales Manager, Manukau Toyota Group
"Our team finds Autocheck logical and very easy to use. It's intuitive, the support we receive is outstanding, and it's constantly evolving and being upgraded. It's clear that the Autocheck team understands the industry's day-to-day operations and challenges and is dedicated to making sure its offering is the best in the market."
Jeremy Spicer
Group General Manager, Andrew Simms Group
"The superior functionality and competitive pricing were big selling points for me. And while the offering is comprehensive, it's in no way overwhelming - and that comes down to the extremely user-friendly platform. I was initially on the fence about switching to Autocheck, but I can confidently say we never looked back."

Davide Punturiero
Dealer Principal, Tristram European
"The team at Autocheck are always thinking of new innovative ideas to add to the service or tweaking a current feature to improve it. This gives me confidence that we will continue to see value in the product over the long term. There are numerous little features - as simple as a downloaded report automatically having the rego in the file name, or the ability to do bulk reports - and when all these little features are combined, it makes for one excellent product. Making sure the services we use are cost-effective is important, but not when this comes at the expense of functionality. With Autocheck, we get both - which is rare. It's going to improve the work day for anyone who uses it and, more likely than not, result in a lower cost to your company - why wouldn't you get on board?"

Jason Robb
Dealer Principal, Southern Autos
"I opted for Autocheck over competitors because it's affordable, easy to use and mobile-friendly. Knowing I'm supporting a local business is a big one for me, too, especially when it comes with outstanding customer service. I've found the Autocheck system fast, reliable and consistent, and the digital signing capability is spectacular when buying stock privately."

Sean Pearce
General Manager, Pearce Brothers
"Autocheck is the best tool for the job. It's user-oriented, quick, comprehensive, and smart. It saves us time, makes our lives easier, and provides us with an all-in-one solution for buying and selling. I'd prefer my competitors to use other platforms - because Autocheck gives me an edge!"

Ryan Zhang
Branch Manager, AJ Motors Hamilton
"For us, Autocheck's ability to beat the competitor in three key areas - service, customisation, and pricing - was what won us over. The communication, support, and transparency along the way has always been top notch too. I'd describe Autocheck as simple yet adaptable. If you're undecided about making the switch, I'd encourage you to trial it and experience the difference."

Tina Doherty
Group Operations Manager, Ingham Motor Group
"What really stands out for us with Autocheck is the ease of use and the level of service on hand whenever we need support. They are also very helpful and accommodating with new features and updates when we require them. If you're on the fence about moving to Autocheck, I'd say get off and join up. It's a great product run by great people."
Paul Burborough
Dealer Principal, Winger Motors Hamilton & Pukekohe